Infiniti is proud to share the successful treatment of a horse’s urinary obstruction using a device from our range of Vet Stent implants.

Following complications from general anesthesia (including signs of dysuria and pollakiuria), a 10-year-old Irish Sport Horse gelding developed a urethral stricture from repeated catheterizations. The horse was treated using topical corticosteroids and urethral bougienage with balloon dilators. When these measures did not solve the problem, a custom-made PDS Vet Stent was placed in the urethra allowing the horse to fully empty his bladder.

The paper, “Treatment of a urethral stricture by image-guided placement of a custom-made absorbable stent in a standing, sedated horse” was published by Baltrimiate, J. et al and the team at UC Dublin.

If you’re interested in reading, it can be found in the Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine or viewed online here.