
The Vet Stent-EsophagusTM is produced on a case by case basis and tailored to the specific needs of each individual patient. The most common design is a biodegradable self-expanding stent that degrades slowly based on ambient pH. It is an ideal solution for temporary use in benign indications, The stent is made of polydioxanone, a bioabsorbable polymer.


Since every esophageal stent is designed and manufactured for individual cases, a wide range of specifications can be accommodated. In conjunction with the veterinarian, Infiniti’s engineers can design a stent with nearly any diameter, length, and taper desired.


The treatment of esophageal strictures requires a variety of devices in addition to the Vet Stent Esophagus.

Infinti offers a variety of guide wires ideally suited to the unique requirements of this procedure.

It can often be beneficial to dilate esophageal strictures either prior to stent placement or as a definitive remedy. Infiniti offers wide selection of balloons appropriate for such indications.